Browse Recipes

Cream of fresh broccoliCream of fresh broccoliBy NoemieDo you have one pretty broccoli on hand? Why not try to prepare a simple soup? You will add onions, spices, and cream. It will taste delicious and be very healthy.
Cream of broccoli with leeksCream of broccoli with leeksBy NoemieBroccoli is a really healthy vegetable. You should consume them regularly all year long. The following recipe is a soup made of broccoli and leeks. The addition of cream at the end will enrich the soup.
Cream of broccoli and carrotsCream of broccoli and carrotsBy NoemieSoups are really nice to prepare. They can easily make a light evening meal and in the winter they warm you nicely. The next soup is made of broccoli, carrots, and potatoes.
Cream of green beansCream of green beansBy NoemieThis is more like a vegetable soup than a green bean soup. It consists of zucchinis, leeks, and green beans. Green beans by themselves would not make a soup with a really good texture. Soft cheese is added at the end to enrich the flavor.
Regular cream of green beansRegular cream of green beansBy NoemieIf you like green bean soup, you probably want to try that one. It consists of about the same ingredients. In the end, the cream will be added to enrich the soup.
cream of endives with blue cheesecream of endives with blue cheeseBy NoemieThis is an interesting and not very common soup and certainly worth trying it. It consists of endives, a potato to help the texture and some blue cheese. The result should be good.
Cream of artichokeCream of artichokeBy NoemieDo you like artichokes? Maybe you should try that easy soup using artichoke and potatoes. It should have an interesting taste and surprised your guest.
Romanesco cabbage with hazelnutBy NoemieHere is a refreshing preparation for a first course or a vegetarian dish. It consists of some special cabbage mixed up with hazelnut. An interesting and unusual combination.
Cream of pepper and soft creamy cheeseCream of pepper and soft creamy cheeseBy NoemieThat soup will have color as well as taste. It consists of pepper, potatoes and some soft cream cheese with garlic and herbs. It should taste very good.
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