Jam is a good pastime when there is an abundance of fruits. The instant pot makes it easier and faster to prepare it. Here you have some apricot jam to do when in seasons.

Wash the apricots and cut them into small pieces.
Put them in the instant pot with the sugar, vanilla sugar, water.
And cook in pressure mode (10 Min), stir and put back 10 Min more.
Stir, and mix with a hand blender.
Put in the jam jars when it is still hot, fill the jar and screw on the lid and turn the jar over until it cools completely.
Enjoy it
Wash the apricots and cut them into small pieces.
Put them in the instant pot with the sugar, vanilla sugar, water.
And cook in pressure mode (10 Min), stir and put back 10 Min more.
Stir, and mix with a hand blender.
Put in the jam jars when it is still hot, fill the jar and screw on the lid and turn the jar over until it cools completely.
Enjoy it