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Terrine of wild boar

Yields6 ServingsPrep Time20 minsCook Time40 minsTotal Time1 hr

This is a good recipe when wild hogs are in season. After being marinated for a day, it will be cooked with other ingredients and an egg in individual dishes. It should make a nice first course.

Terrine of wild boar

 1 kg of wild boar meat in cubes
 300 g of smoked bacon
 2 slices of white crumb bread in small pieces
 300 ml of red wine
 1 egg
 1 onion cut in 4 and pricked with cloves
 1 clove of garlic
 1 bouquet garnished
 10 g salt
 5 g pepper

Make the marinade with red wine, onion, garlic, the bouquet garnished and the white bread

Marinate the wild boar for 24 hours

Chop the meat, the marinade, the bacon together

Mix with the egg

Put in small bowls suitable for instant pot

Put in the steam basket with 200ml of water in the tank

Put the instant pot in pressure cooking 40min

Let stand 24 hours before serving

Nutrition Facts

Servings 6