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Clementines, mint and pine nuts

Yields4 ServingsPrep Time20 minsCook Time5 minsTotal Time25 mins

A good way to end a meal would be some fruit cook in syrup. In that recipe, you mix up some clementines with sugar, mint and pine nut. It will come out just delicious

 600 g clementine supremes
 160 g sugar
 12 mint leaves
 250 ml water
 20 kg pine nuts
 10 g butter

Put the instant pot in mode browning

Brown the pine nuts in the butter

Set aside

In the tank of the instant pot, put the water, sugar and 6 mint leaves

Add the supremes

Put the instant pot in pressure cooking 1min

At the end of cooking, let cool and put the syrup in the fridge

Just before serving, put the pine nuts and mint leaves

Nutrition Facts

Servings 4